FAQ’s about Insurance Lab

Who is InsuranceLab?

Patrick O’Reilly is the director of Insurance Lab and is a senior advisor.

Get good advice…

Patrick has 20 years of insurance advice and financial services industry experience. He knows what works and what doesn’t. He is committed to seeing that you get the best advice possible.

Insurance Lab has access to key tools that will help ensure that you get the best insurance solution for your circumstances. Tools, such as Strategy Finance’s independent policy rating and analysis surveys enable accurate insurance advice to be given.

Membership in the Newpark Financial Services dealer group lends further muscle. Backing by one of the industry’s largest dealer groups gives Insurance Lab and ultimately you the client the flexibility to choose from most of New Zealand’s most respected insurers and financial institutions. Key to good advice, you will not be hamstrung by an agent, advisor, representative or bank staffer that is bound to peddle a single companies’ product.

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